Thursday, March 21, 2013

To think I thanked her

This is gonna be more of a rant then anything else...

I thanked that woman... I told her how kindhearted she was, how helpful she was, how glad I was she was treating my husband...

I did everything she said... I lied to Josh for her... I told him to listen and do as he was told... I told him that he would be released and able to go back to work if he did what she said...

I answered all her questions, told her anything she wanted to know... I sang like a little bird...

And she used me. She lied to me. She made me believe she was on my side and threw me under the bus as soon as I was no longer useful to her...

"She" is his dr at Ft Belvoir. She is the worst woman I have ever met in my life. I have no respect for her and honestly believe there is a special place in hell for assholes like her...

She used my love for Josh against me, she used our marriage and trust again Josh... She played us against each other to get what she wanted... She is a monster!

And the part that makes me the sickest is I thanked her... How could she act like that?!

I really don't think it's fair how CPS and Family Advocey works I mean the drs see things and just assume they know what's going on then makes calls and start processes before they know the facts then suddenly what they say becomes the truth regardless of what is really going on... Everyone believes the dr over the random family...

They pass judgement and rip lives apart without listening or hell sometime without even giving the family a chance to explain they just think they know what they're talking about... But they have no idea...

How many times do you think things like this has happened to other families? Where drs just decide they know what is going on and act on said thought when they are totally wrong... They tore my family apart so I know they've done it to others... They cause problems that follow people for the rest of their lives that cause mental scars that will never heal...

Drs shouldn't be allowed to just call CPS or FA without hard core proof like SEEING the abuse not just guessing... There are a million ways a child could get a bruise or break many bones over the course of years there's many reasons why someone would have a scratch or a black eye...

Not everything is abuse... I wish I could show her what she has done to my live... What she has done to me... I wish I could go back and not thank her but curse her and tell her I pray one day someone rips her life apart the way she ripped my apart...

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